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photo of paint texture

The Power of Texture

photo of paint texture


Every great painting or work of art has extraordinary techniques and features. From the brilliant rendering of an enigmatic expression in a famous portrait; to vivid, unexpected Color combinations that stun the viewer; to Patterns that mesmerize and calm the viewer…all of these attributes collectively add up to the overall impact an artwork can have. Is it memorable or forgettable?

Visual art terms separate into the elements and principles of art. Color, form, line, shape, space, and texture are the elements of art. The principles of art include scale, proportion, unity, variety, rhythm, mass, shape, space, balance, volume, perspective and depth. As in music, it is the artist’s choices of instruments, materials and techniques that create the final, unique composition.

Art materials are vital decisions each artist makes to express their ideas. Paint, clay, bronze, pastels, chalk, charcoal and ink are a few examples of artistic materials. Art techniques are often defined by certain periods in art history, by a particular culture and/or by what materials were available at the time. Understanding art techniques will help you define and determine how and why a particular culture created the art.

Another feature used skillfully by the best artists throughout history is Texture. When one stands back to view a great work of art, then moves in for a closer look…those beautiful sunflowers at a distance become thick, masterful daubs of paint that look nothing up close like the end result.

Different artists use different textures to create their work. Some artists use smooth, sleek textures to create a feeling of calm or serenity. Others use rough, jagged textures to convey a sense of chaos or unease.

Different mediums have different ways of expressing texture. For example, in painting, an artist may use a dry brush to create a rough texture, or a wet brush to create a smooth texture. In sculpture, an artist may use different tools to create textures that are either coar